
Infomaniak.comwon'tload?Or,!,Dienststatus.ListedergeplantenWartungenundderaktuellenProbleme.AllesinOrdnung.KeinEreignis.Verlaufderletzten60Tageanzeigen ...,Stateoftheservices.Listofplannedmaintenanceandongoingproblems.Everythingisfine.Noeventstohighlight.Seelast60days'history ...,Etatdesservices.Listedesmaintenancesplanifiéesetdesproblèmesenco... down? Current problems and status. won't load? Or, having problems with Check the status here!


Dienststatus. Liste der geplanten Wartungen und der aktuellen Probleme. Alles in Ordnung. Kein Ereignis. Verlauf der letzten 60 Tage anzeigen ...

Status of Services

State of the services. List of planned maintenance and ongoing problems. Everything is fine. No events to highlight. See last 60 days' history ...


Etat des services. Liste des maintenances planifiées et des problèmes en cours. Tout va bien. Aucun événement à signaler. Voir l'historique des 60 derniers ...

Stato dei servizi

Stato dei servizi. Elenco della manutenzione programmata e dei problemi in corso. Tutto procede bene. Nessun evento da segnalare.

Estado de los servicios

Estado de los servicios. Lista de mantenimiento previsto y problemas en curso. Todo está correcto. Ningún evento destacable. Ver el historial de los últimos ...

Is Infomaniak Down Today? Or Not Working Right Now?

Is Infomaniak down today? Stay updated on the current website status for any potential downtime or technical issues.

Enable PHP

This guide explains how to enable PHP-FPM status in order to debug a slow site in terms of PHP. In particular, PHP-FPM status facilitates real time tracking ...

Manage Acronis notifications and alerts

This guide explains how to edit the alerts and notifications you receive by e-mail when you use Acronis to back up your devices.


A major European cloud service provider and a leading web technology developer in Switzerland, Infomaniak is a booming independent and sustainable company.